Garden Notepad version 6.2 and GreVid version 5.2 have been released. New features have been added in response to requests by users. Now, even more data can be recorded and viewed in the field.
What’s New in This Update
Recording of Performance Note in Garden Notepad
A performance note can now be entered in Garden Notepad. It is entered under the Notes tab, and the Phrase Picker can be used for performance note as well as for check notes.
Recording of Special Characteristics in Garden Notepad
characteristics can now be recorded in Garden Notepad. You must install GreVid on the mobile
device for this feature to operate.
It can be accessed from the Notes tab by clicking the “Spec.
Chars” button.
Special Characteristics already assigned to this plant in BG-BASE will be displayed. To add a characteristic click “Add”, and select from the drop-down list. Enter a note, if desired.
Additional buttons are provided to delete a characteristic or to move it up or down in the list.
Display of Special Characteristics Added to GreVid
Display of special characteristics (from the BG-BASE Names file, not the Plants file) has been added to GreVid. To view, click on the Checks tab, and click the “Spec Chars” button.
Other Improvements
of data to the mobile device has been made more reliable.
Updated April 30, 2008
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