records exported from BG-BASE can
be viewed in PropNoter, and each displayed field
can be edited. Multi-value fields are preserved and displayed in tabular
format, the same as in BG-BASE.
Data entered into PropNoter is uploaded and updates
BG-BASE automatically.
"We just completed our first inventory using PropNoter. It went smoothly and was the fastest
inventory we've ever done."
Highland, Plant Recorder
Mount Cuba Center
Date Entry
Dates are entered using a popup calendar.
- Sow/Start Date
- Germination/Rooting
- Potting Date
- Estimated
Completion Date
- Completion
- Die Date

“File” Screen

Propagules Entry
Data is
presented in tabular format, the same as in BG-BASE.
- Location
- Location Misc.
(free text)
- Propagule Type
- Medium (code)
- Container
- Quantity
- Date
Codes are displayed
in drop-down lists, which are exported from BG-BASE.

“Checks” Screen

Propagule” Screen
Observations and
New Observations are entered as free text. A
“phrase picker” stores frequently used words and phrases, minimizing the need
for manual typing. Previous observations are displayed below.
“Die Why” and associated notes are entered in
multi-value tabular format as in BG-BASE.

“Observations” Screen

“Die Why”
Entry Screen
Speedy Search For
propagations quickly by genus and/or location. Results can be filtered
through a search phrase containing one or more keywords. Tap on any of the
displayed results to open its record.

Search by Genus, Location, and Keywords

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rights reserved